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Miss Moss's Reading Lessons
Sally the Slithering Snake
Emergent Literacy
Mary Beth Moss
Rationale: In this lesson I will help students identify the phoneme S or / s /. Students should be able to recognize / s / in spoken words and the symbol “S”. We will focus on the “slither snake, ssssssss” sound. We will also be finding words that start with /s/ and apply the phoneme awareness with /s/ in phonetic cue reading by rhyming words from beginning letters.
Primary paper
Chart with “Sally the silly snake slithered slowly.”
Word cards: SIT, PAN, SAND, TEST, SNAKE,
Say: Today we are going to learn the letter /s/ and what our mouth does when we say the /s/ sound. The “S” looks like a snake as it is slithering through the sand and the /s/ is the noise it is making when it is hissing “ssssssss” Snakes say “ssssss.”
Say: Lets pretend we are snakes hissing, “ssssssss” Notice how your lips are slightly apart and your tongue touches the roof of your mouth behind your teeth. Now put your hands together and make them go back and forth like a snake slithering.
Now let me show you how to find the /s/ in the word “BEST” I am going ot stretch it out and when my tongue goes to the back of my teeth is when the /s/ sound is. “bbbbeeeeessssssssstttt” Did you hear it? "bessssssst" there! There it is!! I heard it, did anyone else hear it?
Now lets try a tongue twister. I have a sentence on this chart. "Sally the silly snake slither slowly" I want you to help me read this sentence. Now lets stretch out the /s/. When you hear the /s/ sound. I want you to move your hands in a snake motion like we were doing earlier. "Ssssss-ally the sssss-illy ssss-nake sssssl-ithered sssss-lowly." Great work guys!
Now lets take out our paper and write the letter. Remember that we use the letter S to say /s/. /s/ Now lets practice writing the lowercase s, start just below the fence. Now curve up so that your pencil meets the fence. Circle back around so that your pencil curves just between the fence and the sidewalk. Curve it out and bring it back around so that the bottom of the s rest on the sidewalk.
Now we are going to see if we can pick out the /s/ sound. Slither like a snake if you hear the /s/ sound in the words. Do you hear the /s/ in: STOP or GO? Choose somone to answer the question aloud. Very good, Stop. SALT or PEPPER? Choose a different student to answer question. Right! Salt. GROUND or SKY? Pick a student. Good job.. Sky! SWING or PLAY? Pick another student. Good! Great work guys!
Now we are going to read Some Smug Slug to make sure we can pick out the /s/ sound. The book is about a a sparrow, a spider, a skink, a swallowtail butterfly, and a squirrel all try to warn a slug not to try and climb a huge slope. Now lets together to see if the slug is able to climb the slope. I want everyone when they hear a /s/ sound to slither their hands together like a snake.
Assessment: We are going to work on a worksheet. In this worksheet we will color the picture that start with a S. This will allow me to see if students can read the /s/ sound and know that the words start with an S.
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